The TRICKY’s Secret
Studio Nuts created an animated film for a song called The TRICKY's Secret by Xikers, which tells a story about a character named Tricky. Tricky is a mischievous and ambivalent character who represents Xikers' story world. We tried to unfold a mysterious fairy tale of Tricky's beginning and put it into a surreal, dreamy look and feel.
K-Pop 그룹 Xikers의 곡 The Tricky’s Secret을 위한 애니메이션을 제작했습니다. Tricky는 Xikers의 세계관 속 양면성을 가진 미스테리한 캐릭터로, 애니메이션을 통해 트리키의 등장에 대한 이야기를 초현실적이고 몽환적인 컨셉으로 표현하고 있습니다.

Client : KQ Entertainment
Original Sound : Xikers - ‘The Tricky‘s Secret’
Production : StudioNuts
Director : Yeonwoo Park
Art Director : Seungah Yoo
Art : Seungah Yoo, Sookyung Kang, Yeonwoo Park
Animation : Yulee Cho, Yeonwoo Park, Seungah Yoo, Sookyung Kang, Dayoung Kim
2D Animation : Sumin Kwon
SFX : Sunwoo Shawn Kim